Topaz Re Mask 5 free 2017

5 works as a standalone program now, in addition to being a plugin. This means no host program is required and Lightroom integration is available. ReMask 5 also allows you to replace and edit the background of your masked image without leaving the program. Choose from transparent, solid color, or image backgrounds.
Many of you who are familiar with Topaz ReMask 4 will not see too much of a difference in the interface.  That is until you compute your Mask.  After computation ReMask will have a few options available below the standard adjustments you are familiar with.
These options include ways to incorporate a background.  You can choose between the standard transparent background, a solid color fill, and a Background.  I have found the solid color fill to work wonders with checking my masks by adding colors like Orange, Cyan, or Magenta.
Topaz ReMask 5 opens a world of options for people who do not own Photoshop.  However, for us using Photoshop nothing really changed.

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